Yellow Daisy's Commisions!

Click on the buttons to learn more about each art type!

Full Body Art!

$20 base price for a full body art of a single character with either a white/transparent background, the character's name written to the side, or a colored/image background! If you don't specify a background, it'll just be a white background. There might be a small $5 max fee depending on the complexity of the character, which applies to all art types unless stated otherwise, but that'll be a case to case thing. I don't have very many examples, hence why there's no section for it, but I can do half body for $15!

To add a second character or outfit, it'll be an additonal $10 per character! I only have examples up to three characters/outfits, but I am willing to do up to four! This applies to half body!

To add smaller details like zoom ins on certain body parts or accesories, it'll just be an additonal $3 for 1-2 details, $5 for 3+ details. Hands/gloves (seen below) count as one. For simple styled references (seen below to the right), it'll just be $10 flat. Same fee for additonal characters.

On a similar note, I can do a small simple styled non refernces piece for $10 flat! There is no additonal character fee for two characters, but 3+ characters is the usual $10 bonus fee.

If you'd like, I can design a character for you! Be it an oc, gijinka, or even an au! The base price is $25 instead of $20, with any additonal fees apply! Just give me a general idea, or even moodboards! Anything that'll help give me ideas for designs! Just be sure to give me any restrictions!

You can also request this base pose for any character! No special prices, just something you can request! This pose was intended for Power Rangers OCs, but can be used for any characters! You can of course request any Power Rangers characters in any outfit, though if you request any character in a Ranger suit, especially with a helmet on, I may bump the price to $25-$30 depending on the complexity of the suit/helmet. If you want me to design an original suit for an oc, it would be $25-$30 if it's for an existing season (again depending on complexity), and $30-$35 if it's a totally original design.

You can also request an Okami art styled drawing! No special fees at all!

Click below for info on some special Luigi's Mansion Paintings comissions!

For $30 base, I can create (as close as possible) a Luigi's Mansion style painting for you! I can do a Bronze, Silver, or Gold frame, or all three! Give me a general idea of poses/colors for the paintings, and if you do more than one, each one is different! I can either give you just the paintings, or the paintings in the frame, or both! Also specify if you'd prefer the basic portrait ghosts frame style, or the King Boo style. I'm willing to do up to two characters, with a bonus $10 for the second character. A pack of all three frame types, either frame, frameless, or both, is $50 total, with $55 for a second character!


Scenes is what I use to describe more complex pieces. It usually involves multiple characters in specific positions with more complex techniques like shading, filters, airbrush, song lyrics, etc. Below will be some examples so you get a better idea of what I mean! It'll be $40 base for 1-2 characters, and an extra $10 per character. Please explain as much possible detail as you'd like, if you'd want any special techniques, song lyrics, or anything at all! If you want any words at all, please let me know if you want it done in typed out text (and what font that's avabiable in FireAlpaca, if not i'll just pick what I think looks best), or handwriting. The default will be handwriting if you don't specify. Some techniques I can't do since I'm still a novice to digital art, and I can't do multiple scenes in one piece like a comic. I also struggle with any sideways positions/angled positions, but it's not impossible especially if I have a refernce. Just be patience with me!

Polish Edits!

For $10 base I can take any picture and work my magic in Polish! This one does not require an extreme amount of detail in your request. You're not required to know all of the features of Polish, just give me whatever you're comfortable with giving, be it a general idea I can play with, colors, shapes, or specific features. If you just want a few filters or a color to be adjusted/changed the price doesn't change, but if you want text, stickers, removal of anything in an image (that isn't an artist's watermark), pretty much anything beyond some simple filters and minor color adjustments it'll just be an extra $3 per element. Collages would be an extra $5 regardless of how many images you give me. If you want edits on any of your art comissions (Full/Half Body, LM Paintings, and Scenes), the base price will be $5 instead, with the bonus $3 and $5 fees still applying. IF YOU WANT ME TO EDIT ART FROM A DIFFERENT ARTIST, PLEASE GET THEIR PERMISSION FIRST AND SHOW ME. BE IT THEIR COMMISSION TOS, DMS, ANY PUBLIC POSTS, WHATEVER STATES THAT YOU HAVE PERMISSION TO MAKE ANY EDITS TO THIS ART.
